
Since the early days of Allen Filters, we have been interest­ed in educating our clients in the need for and benefit of pres􀀋 our worlds precious resources with fluid puri­fication. We have spent countless hours working with our clients on how they can e,xtend the life of their equipment while conserving oil, leading to increased profit margins.
Technology has given us a platform where we can rap­idly deploy information to better educate our clients. In developing our website, we had one thing in mind: assist our clients and visitors in quickly finding industry- and fluid-relevant information on proper purification tech­niques and products. We are dedicated to gathering the collective knowledge of the Allen Filters staff and mak­ing it available online for everyone’s benefit. We publish new technology-specific white papers and current articles highlighting the methods and reasons for purifying fluids and its impact on our lives.

From water to ECH oil, we are committed to educating our agents and clients in the use of current purification tech­nology through training material, white papers, online ar­ticles, and product brochures. Education is in the heart of Allen Filters as we campaign to equip the world with solutions to steward our environment.


Allen Filters Inc.